Giant Sequoias Grow Faster With Age

Aging giant sequoia trees are growing faster than ever, with some of the oldest and tallest trees producing more wood, on average, in old age than they did when they were younger. (Read about redwoods, another species of giant tree, in National Geographic magazine.)

A 2,000-year-old giant sequoia is just cranking out wood, said Steve Sillett, a professor at Humboldt State University in California who has conducted recent research on the big trees.

Other long-lived trees like coast redwoods and Australia's Eucalyptus regnans also show an increase in wood production during old age, according to an article Sillett published in the journal Forest Ecology and Management.

That may be because a tree's leaf area increases as its crown expands over a long life span. The leaves produce more sugars through photosynthesis, Sillett said, and these sugars build wood across a growing cambium, or the living surface separating bark and wood in trees.

"What we're finding," Sillett said, "is that the rate of wood production in some species doesn't slow down until a tree gets to the end of its lifetime."

Sequoias Active in Old Age

Sillett's team recently measured the President, a 3,200-year-old giant sequoia tree in California's Sequoia National Park. By climbing and measuring the tree, they calculated that the 247-foot-tall (75-meter-tall) giant holds more than 54,000 cubic feet (1,500 cubic meters) of wood and bark, earning it the ranking of second largest tree on Earth, as reported in National Geographic. (Watch video: Photographing the President.)

"Eventually every tree will suffer structural collapse and fall apart," said Sillett. "All Earthlings have finite life spans, but some trees live more than a thousand years without slowing down."

(Interactive gallery: The creatures that call giant sequoias home.)

Sillett is also co-leading the Redwoods and Climate Change Initiative group investigating how climate changes may affect tree growth. They've established long-term monitoring plots throughout the geographic ranges of both redwood species in California and have recorded growth histories of over a hundred trees.

Because the trees are still alive, Sillett said, they can go back to specific trees and evaluate predictions about their growth responses to climate variation.

"Annual rings provide a wonderful, long-term record of a tree's performance," Sillett said. "By studying a tree's rings, we can, in a sense, translate what it knows about the forest."

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Obama Rejects GOP 'Doomsday' Plan

President Obama's lead negotiator in the "fiscal cliff" talks said the administration is "absolutely" willing to allow the package of deep automatic spending cuts and across-the-board tax hikes to take effect Jan. 1, unless Republicans drop their opposition to higher income tax rates on the wealthy.

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said in an interview with CNBC that both sides are "making a little bit of progress" toward a deal to avert the "cliff" but remain stuck on Obama's desired rate increase for the top U.S. income-earners.

"There's no prospect for an agreement that doesn't involve those rates going up on the top two percent of the wealthiest," Geithner said.

Most House Republicans, including Speaker John Boehner, remain opposed to any increase in tax rates.

Obama and Boehner spoke by phone this afternoon, their first conversation in exactly one week, an administration official said. Their relations have grown frosty in recent days as both sides have dug in on the issue of higher rates.

In separate appearances earlier today, Obama and Boehner publicly sparred over who's to blame for the standoff and what to do if lawmakers can't reach a broad deficit-reduction agreement in 27 days.

Saul Loeb/AFP/GettyImages

Fiscal Cliff: What Republicans, Democrats Agree on So Far Watch Video

'Fiscal Cliff': John Boehner Makes Counteroffer Watch Video

Washington, D.C., Gridlocked as Fiscal Cliff Approaches Watch Video

Obama, speaking at a meeting of 100 CEOs, warned Republicans that he would not accept a so-called "doomsday" deal that extends tax cuts for middle-income earners before the end of the year but nothing more.

Such an approach, which has been under consideration by top Republicans as a likely scenario, would set the stage for a big battle over spending cuts and top tax rates in early 2013 – all tied to the nation's debt ceiling, which will need to be raised, which only Congress can do.

"That is a bad strategy for America, it's bad strategy for businesses," Obama said. "It's not a game I will play."

Brinksmanship over the a 2011 debt ceiling increase to avoid a U.S. default cost the country its AAA credit rating and rattled markets around the world.

While both sides say publicly that the U.S. will not default on its debt obligations, Republicans believe the issue could give them increased leverage for extracting cuts to entitlement programs and other spending.

Boehner said at a morning news conference that Obama has stifled the "fiscal cliff" negotiations by imposing the precondition that Republicans accept income tax hikes on the top 2 percent of U.S. earners.

"We're ready and eager to talk to the president and to work with him to make sure that the American people aren't disadvantaged by what's happening here in Washington," Boehner said at a morning news conference.

"We need a response from the White House," he said. "We can't sit here and negotiate with ourselves."

Earlier this week, House Republicans presented a $2.2 trillion deficit reduction package, including $800 billion in higher taxes through elimination of loopholes and deductions, slower annual cost-of-living increases for Social Security benefits and a higher eligibility age for Medicare.

The plan contrasts sharply with the White House proposal, which calls for $1.6 trillion in new tax revenue -- largely from higher rates on upper-income earners -- modest unspecified savings from Medicare and a new burst of economic stimulus spending.

Both sides rejected the opposing plan as "unserious."

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Football: Real Madrid hit four as Ajax crumble

MADRID: Real Madrid made light work of Ajax with an emphatic 4-1 win on Tuesday, but still had to settle for second place in Champions League Group D.

Goals from Cristiano Ronaldo, Kaka and a Jose Callejon double in the Santiago Bernabeu sealed the Spanish champions' victory, but top spot in the group went to Borussia Dortmund who beat Manchester City 1-0.

Derk Boerrigter got the consolation for the Dutch who gave a good account of themselves and their reward is a place in the Europa League after finishing third ahead of Manchester City, who came a miserable last.

Afterwards Madrid coach Jose Mourinho was full of praise for the performance of ex-Tottenham player Luka Modric, who gave two wonderful assists for his side's first goals of the evening.

"Modric has already performed well for us in a number of games, he is a great player who can play at the highest level, nobody can deny he is going to be an important signing for the future of this club," he said.

Mourinho had earlier took advantage of having already qualified to rest a number of first team players, mixing youth with experience, a tactic for which he has recently come under fire in the Spanish press for rarely doing.

Reserve goalkeeper Adan started and a Champions League debut was handed to full-back Nacho Fernandez.

Mourinho also introduced 17-year-old Jose Rodriguez and Alvaro Morata, a year his elder, late on while the experienced Ricardo Carvalho started his first Champions League game of the season.

Fabio Coentrao limping off early, with what looked like a hamstring injury, was the only negative on the night for Mourinho.

Ajax coach Frank de Boer, with a Europa League place still to fight for, named the same side that began Saturday's encouraging 3-1 win over PSV Eindhoven.

However, the weakened Madrid side did not appear to be worried as they dominated possession and it was not long before the chances began arriving thick and fast.

Karim Benzema had the ball in the net as early as the seventh minute but the French striker was ruled offside.

By the time Cristiano Ronaldo hit Madrid's first of the night on 13 minutes, a post had already come between Fabio Coentrao and the opening goal.

Modric won the ball in his own half before finding Benzema with a long raking pass that allowed the Frenchman to check back and square the ball into the path of Ronaldo for an easy finish.

Kenneth Vermeer in the Ajax goal had to make good saves from Benzema and Ronaldo before Callejon doubled Real's lead on 28 minutes.

Modric was again involved, turning under pressure on halfway before digging out a fantastic pass for Callejon to race onto and finish with aplomb.

A Sami Khedira shot on 39 minutes had to be dealt with by Vermeer, and it was his performance that kept Madrid's lead down to two at the break.

For Ajax, 18-year-old Dane Viktor Fischer was lively all evening on the left wing and he brought the first save of the night from Adan just before the interval.

Kaka hit Madrid's third, exquisitely curling a left-footed shot home off the post from just outside the area just after the break.

Ajax then enjoyed a good period of pressure and much needed relief.

Fischer went close with a curling shot before Derk Boerrigter pounced on a punched clearance from Adan to grab a consolation for the Dutch on the hour mark.

Boerrigter forced a save from Adan with a free-kick five minutes later and Ajax went on to play bright attacking football for much of the second half.

Mourinho shuffled his pack and introduced youth and Morata responded with a great run on the right and cross for Callejon to head home his second and his side's fourth with two minutes remaining.

- AFP/fa

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Cash scheme will influence polls, says CEC

CHENNAI/NEW DELHI: Chief election commissioner V C Sampath on Tuesday expressed his disapproval over the Centre's decision to go ahead with the direct cash transfer scheme when assembly elections were round-the-corner in Gujarat.

Himachal Pradesh, the other state that went to polls, is yet to know the result, and model code of conduct is still in force.

Sampath, who was in Chennai to review the ongoing summary revision of rolls, said that the EC would not allow the level playing field to be disturbed in any manner. He said the Centre should not have started the scheme at this juncture. "Our order is clear, that it is something which ought not to have been done now." The scheme will actually come into effect only on January 1, but the EC's view is that the announcement should not have been made now as it would influence elections in the two states. "We have expressed our concern," he added.

The CEC has also directed the Centre to suspend all steps towards operationalization of the scheme in the two election-bound states until the poll process was complete. Incidentally, this may make little difference on the ground as the direct cash transfer scheme is to roll out across 51 districts — of which four are in Gujarat and two in Himachal Pradesh — only from January 1, 2013. The poll process in the two states will wind up by December 24.

TOI was the first to report on December 2 about EC's unhappiness over the timing of the cash transfer scheme and said its implementation would be put on hold in the poll-bound states until after the elections.

The EC's order on Tuesday, which followed a BJP complaint, said the poll-eve announcement was "avoidable... going by the letter and spirit of the model code of conduct".

Stating that the commission was not going into the merits of the government's policy decisions but was concerned if any such decision would disturb the electoral level playing field, the EC said the government had failed to offer justification sought by it on the necessity of the direct cash transfer announcement while the poll code was in force in Gujarat and Himachal.

The three-member body is said to have questioned the urgency behind announcing the scheme in November when the roll out was slated only by the New Year, by when the poll process would be over.

Besides, the fact that two Union ministers, P Chidambaram and Jairam Ramesh, held forth on the benefits of the scheme from Congress platforms caught the EC's attention. The government sees cash transfers as a major poll hook, coining the slogan "aap ka paisa, aap ke haath" while seeing the benefits of the scheme in streamlining subsidies and getting rid of ghost beneficiaries. Mindful of its populist appeal, the BJP lost no time in alleging violation of the poll code by the Congress-led government at the Centre.

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Oldest Giant Panda Relative Found in Spain

The oldest relative of the giant panda has been discovered in Spain—suggesting that the animals' ancestors originated in Europe, a new study says.

Dubbed Kretzoiarctos beatrix, the 11-million-year-old species was previously named Agriarctos beatrix based on a few fossil teeth found at a paleontological site near Zaragoza, Spain (map). Agriarctos is an extinct genus of European bear and a possible panda ancestor that lived eight to nine million years ago. (Read about the previous research.)

Earlier this year, scientists found a piece of A. beatrix's jaw, allowing them to compare it with that of another ancient Agriarctos bear from Hungary. In doing so, the team determined that A. beatrix is actually its own genus, which they called Kretzoiarctos.

The newly named K. beatrix pushes back the origin of giant pandas by a few million years, making it the oldest recorded giant panda relative, said study leader Juan Abella, a paleobiologist at the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales in Madrid, Spain.

"Therefore, the origin of this group is not located in China, where the [giant panda] species lives, but in the warm and humid regions of [southwestern] Europe," Abella said in May.

(See: "Ancient Bear DNA Mapped—A First for Extinct Species.")

New Bear Was Panda-Like?

K. beatrix likely shared some similarities with today's giant panda.

For one, says Abella, the newfound jaw fragment shows the animal was likely an omnivore that fed on tough plants, like modern-day pandas. Also like them, and like most existing species of small bears, K. beatrix was probably a great climber. According to Abella, it would have had to scramble up trees to escape big predators of the day—such as extinct, doglike carnivores called bear-dogs—in the forests of what's now Spain.

But at 130 pounds (60 kilograms), K. beatrix was smaller than modern pandas and even more petite than the modern-day sun bear or spectacled bear.

(See "Biggest Bear Ever Found-'It Blew My Mind,' Expert Says.")

An Epic Trek?

It's still unclear how panda ancestors made the epic trek from Europe to China.

Previous research suggests bears generally can migrate easily if the climate is mild enough, Abella said. Eleven million years ago, southwestern Europe was warm and humid-good conditions for starting out, he said.

The bears likely migrated mostly on land. One potential barrier—an ancient European sea called Parathetys—was already shrinking during the Middle Miocene, when K. beatrix lived, said Abella.

As for whether K. beatrix made it to China, "We don't really know, but no fossil remains of this species have been found outside Spain."

Whatever its history, the new research shows that K. beatrix was not your average bear.

The oldest panda relative study was published November 14 in the journal PLoS ONE.

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Obama Sees 'Potential' for Averting the Fiscal Cliff

President Obama says he sees "potential" for averting the "fiscal cliff" in 28 days, but that no deal will get done unless Republicans consent to raise income-tax rates on the top 2 percent of U.S. earners.

"We're going to have to see the rates on the top 2 percent go up and we're not going to be able to get a deal without it," Obama told Bloomberg TV in his first televised interview since the Nov. 6 election.

Obama suggested that Republican opposition to any increase in tax rates has stifled progress in negotiations and at least partly explains why he has not met more regularly with House Speaker John Boehner.

"Speaker Boehner and I speak frequently," he said. "I don't think the issue right now has to do with sitting in a room.

"Unfortunately, the speaker's proposal right now is still out of balance," he added, referring to the GOP plan unveiled Monday that would extend all income tax rates at current levels while imposing changes to Medicare and Social Security.

The GOP proposal would achieve $2.2 trillion in deficit reduction in the next decade, including $800 billion in higher taxes through elimination of loopholes and deductions, slower annual cost-of-living increases for Social Security benefits and a higher eligibility age for Medicare.

Jessica Kourkounis/Getty Images

Washington, D.C., Gridlocked as Fiscal Cliff Approaches Watch Video

What Exactly Did Obama Promise Voters on Tax Hikes Watch Video

'Fiscal Cliff' Negotiations: Ball Is in the GOP's Court Watch Video

The plan contrasts sharply with the White House proposal, which calls for $1.6 trillion in new tax revenue -- largely from higher rates on upper-income earners -- modest unspecified savings from Medicare and a new burst of economic stimulus spending.

Both sides have dismissed out of hand the opposing proposal, raising the prospect of continued gridlock as the economy hurdles toward the "cliff."

Income tax rates for the top 2 percent of Americans remain the immediate sticking point. Obama insists that rates must rise at the end of the year as part of any deal; Republicans oppose increasing rates on the wealthy.

Unless Obama and Republicans reach a compromise, a sweeping set of automatic, across-the-board tax hikes and deep spending cuts will take effect, potentially throwing the U.S. economy back into recession.

The "cliff" scenario results from a failure by Congress and the administration at previous intervals to take steps to reduce federal deficits and debt.

In the Bloomberg interview, Obama said he could be flexible on tax rates and entitlement overhaul, but only in broader discussions next year about revamping the tax code and social safety-net programs.

"Let's let [rates on higher-income earners] go up and then let's set up a process with a time certain at the end of 2013, or the fall of 2013, where we work on tax reform, we look at what loopholes and deductions both Democrats and Republicans are willing to close and it's possible that we may be able to lower rates by broadening the base at that point," he said.

The president also said he's "willing to look at anything" that might strengthen entitlements and extend their financial solvency, but did not specify further.

Republicans continued to rebuff the president's proposal Tuesday, claiming the $1.6 trillion package of tax increases could not pass either house of Congress, including the Democrat-controlled Senate.

"Only one person in the country can deliver the members of his party to support a deal that he makes, and that is the president," said Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.

He praised House Republicans for "trying to move the process forward" with their proposal, but stopped short of endorsing it. Some conservative advocacy groups have been assailing GOP leaders this week for consenting to any tax revenue increases in a deal with Obama.

"With our latest offer we have demonstrated there is a middle ground solution that can cut spending and bring in revenue without hurting American small businesses," Boehner said in a statement today.

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Football: Lionel Lewis calls it a day

SINGAPORE: He was Singapore's safest pair of hands for almost a decade and, despite retiring from international football last year with 73 caps, Lionel Lewis was playing well enough to warrant consideration for a recall to the national squad for the current ASEAN Football Federation Championship.

But a persistent ankle injury put paid to the possibility of that happening, and now Lewis has decided to call it a day.

The 29-year-old Home United custodian will hang up his gloves to get a head start on his post-football career at Nanyang Polytechnic, his former school. He will be joining its Student Affairs Department.

"My friends and family know I have been thinking about my career after football," said Lewis, who had a training stint with Manchester City in 2007 and a week-long trial with Swiss side Grasshopper-Club Zurich.

"The job offer from Nanyang Polytechnic has been on the table for several months and after working out all the options, including the possibility of playing football on a part-time basis, I've decided to stop instead when my contract with Home runs out at the end of this month."

With a young family - his wife Jenny gave birth to their son Jonas only 10 weeks ago and his daughter Jennel is four - Lewis, who has a Sports Management degree from the University of Wolverhampton, felt it was necessary to not delay the start of his second career.

"I can play for another five to eight years, and if I were getting the kind of money that an English Premier League player earns, maybe it would be harder to walk away. But a footballer's pay here... you can't even smell their one-week wages," said Lewis, who did not say how much he earned at Home.

"I'm not putting down local football but that is the reality. Getting started now means that when I am 35, I can have a more assured career and hopefully be able to explore more options."

Former Singapore and Home United coach P N Sivaji thinks Lewis is making the right move.

"Yes, Lionel's one of our best goalkeepers ever, and yes, keepers do get better with age. But I think he's probably tired of the life of a footballer and its routines," he said.

Lewis' 12-year playing career has left him with a litany of injuries. He even had surgery three weeks ago to repair a tear to his anterior talofibula ligament. But he said he was not quitting because of his injuries.

"I've got to be satisfied with my 12 years, having won many trophies and travelled to most parts of the world," he said. "It has been an absolutely wonderful journey, and I am looking forward to this career change.

"I still plan to play football once a week and my friends will be happy because I can now join their social games."


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Zee editors denied bail for 2nd time in a week

NEW DELHI: For the second time in less than a week, a trial court on Monday dismissed the bail applications of the two Zee group editors arrested for allegedly trying to extort Rs 100 crore from Congress MP Naveen Jindal's firm.

Metropolitan magistrate Rajinder Singh on Monday dismissed the bail pleas, saying Zee News head Sudhir Chaudhary and Zee Business editor Samir Ahluwalia had not given any new grounds for their release on bail after their earlier plea was rejected on November 28. The two editors will now have to move a higher court for bail.

Move higher court for bail: Magistrate

Investigation is at a preliminary stage and there is no change of facts and circumstances since November 28...and no fresh ground has come up to release them on bail. Hence, in my considered opinion, the bail (plea) is dismissed," the court said while dismissing bail pleas of two Zee group editors. The metropolitan magistrate said the two editors would now have to move a higher court for bail.

During the hearing, special public prosecutor Rajiv Mohan argued that the two accused had no right to move a fresh bail plea as a similar application under section 437 of CrPC had been dismissed by a magistrate.

Mohan argued the two editors should not be given bail as they were involved in criminally extorting money from Jindal Steel and Power Limited and have also abused the freedom of speech and expression granted to the press under Article 19 of the Constitution. The two had been booked for non-bailable offences and hence can't be released on bail, Mohan added.

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Photos: Kilauea Lava Reaches the Sea


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Boehner Makes Fiscal Cliff Counter-Offer

House Speaker John Boehner today sent President Obama a counter-proposal on how to cut the deficit that he called a “credible plan” to break the stalemate in negotiations to keep the country from going off the “fiscal cliff” but just hours later the White House quickly rejected the offer.

In the plan, Republicans offer a total of $2.2 trillion in deficit reduction over the next decade. That would give lawmakers “ample” savings to off-set $1.2 trillion in automatic cuts set to begin to take effect Jan. 2, 2013. Senior Republican aides said the proposal does not explicitly include an offer to address the standoff over whether the president or Congress should have power over debt limit increases.

White House communications director Dan Pfeiffer rejected the GOP’s counteroffer, complaining that it “does not meet the test of balance.”

“Their plan includes nothing new and provides no details on which deductions they would eliminate, which loopholes they will close or which Medicare savings they would achieve,”  Pfeiffer stated. “While the president is willing to compromise to get a significant, balanced deal and believes that compromise is readily available to Congress, he is not willing to compromise on the principles of fairness and balance that include asking the wealthiest to pay higher rates.”

Brendan Buck, a spokesman to the speaker, said that by rejecting the offer, “the White House has once again demonstrated how unreasonable it has become” and he said “it is now [Obama's] obligation to present a plan that can pass both chambers of Congress.”

The GOP deal would create $800 billion in new revenue through tax reform, but Boehner insisted that tax rates should not go up on the top 2 percent of taxpayers. Instead, the GOP wants lower tax rates after closing loopholes, limiting tax credits and capping deductions.

“We believe through tax reform that you absolutely could lower rates below what they are for this year, and still hit the $800 billion target,” a senior GOP leadership aide said.  “How much you would be able to lower rates depends on what else you’re doing in tax reform, but it’s a number that’s mathematically consistent with not raising rates and doing comprehensive tax reform.”

The offer also proposes $600 billion in health savings, $300 billion in additional mandatory savings, $300 billion in discretionary spending cuts, and $200 billion by updating the formula by which the Consumer Price Index is calculated, which would affect all sorts of federal programs from Social Security to federal pensions.

“What we’re putting forth is a credible plan that deserves serious consideration by the White House, and I would hope that they would respond in a timely and responsible way,” Boehner, R-Ohio, told reporters today when he dropped into a staff briefing on the pitch. “We could have responded in kind, but decided not to do that.”

A senior Republican aide also said health care savings is a mandatory element of a comprehensive deal.

“That has been in every one of these sets of conversations that we’ve had over the last 15 months, and I don’t think there’s any way to get to a comprehensive deal that solves this situation without it,” the aide said. “Means testing has been, likewise, a part of every single discussion.”

Boehner said the president’s offer last week was “basically the president’s budget from last February,” which he noted received no votes in the House and no votes in the Senate.

“Going over the cliff will hurt our economy and hurt job creation in our country. It’s one of the reasons why the day after the election, I offered a concession to try to speed this process up by putting revenue on the table,” Boehner said. “Unfortunately the White House responded with the La-la-land offer that couldn’t pass the House, couldn’t pass the Senate.”

Now, in a letter to the president, House Republicans say they devised an offer based on Erskine Bowles’ proposal to the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction, the so-called supercommittee. But Bowles himself issued a statement that the counteroffer “does not represent” his proposal to the supercommittee, since his plan was created to demonstrate how a deal could be achieved last year as negotiations faltered.

“The Joint Select Committee failed to reach a deal, and circumstances have changed since then,” Bowles said this afternoon. “It is up to negotiators to figure out where the middle ground is today. ”

Last week, the president asked for about $1.6 trillion in new revenue, including about $800 billion from allowing tax cuts on income over $250,000 a year expire. Obama also asked for about $400 billion in new stimulus spending, but the plan was rejected by Republicans as a “step backward.”

The letter with the GOP’s proposal was sent to the president around 2 p.m. today. One senior Republican aide close to the negotiations admitted the counteroffer “is not something that a bunch of conservatives are going to be jumping up and down endorsing.”

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said the proposal is “another assault on the middle class, seniors, and our future.”

“The American people made clear that they want us to work together on a balanced approach; yet, in the Republican plan, any alleged resemblance to an offer seeking balance and fairness is nonexistent.  It only makes matters worse,” Pelosi said. “Republicans are simply digging in their heels by refusing to ask the wealthiest Americans to pay their fair share and actually calling for lower tax rates.”

The speaker said he did not intend to speak with the president personally about the offer, but he “might run into him” tonight at a holiday reception at the White House. Pelosi is also scheduled to attend the party.

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ABC News’ Mary Bruce contributed to this article

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